SECORES 4-pager on the added value of the Social-Ecological Resilience approach in international cooperation
This 4-pager discusses the link between Social-Ecological Resilience (SER) and the sustainable development paradigm and describes what the added value of the SER-approach is in international cooperation offering strategic guidance at organisational or project level. To put SER into practice, we consider 5 key questions:
- Scope (resilience of what?)
- Objective (resilience to what end?)
- Target audience (resilience for whom?)
- Disturbances (resilience to what?)
- Approach (resilience through what?)
Two hypothetical examples describe how the SER approach could look like.
Click here for the French translation of this 4-pager.
In 2021, the 6 core members of SECORES elaborated their thematic Joint Strategic Framework (JSF) on the resilience of social-ecological systems. A JSF is a framework (thematic or country based) where participating Belgian non-governmental cooperation actors describe the context of their theme or country, the strategic goals and how synergy will be stimulated. The individual programs of each actor will then be linked to the strategic goals of the JSF.
In the thematic JSF on resilience, you will find an analysis of different elements of resilience, the theory of change and its underlying conceptual framework, the 4 strategic goals and the foreseen approaches, the possible synergies between members of the thematic JSF and with other external actors, and the way how learning on the theme can be put into practice.
A shorter version of the concepts is also available in a 10-pager document.