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Welcome to the website of SECORES

SECORES is the Belgian Network on Social-Ecological Resilience. Created by 6 organizations, our network aims at

  • improving knowledge of social-ecological resilience via learning and exchanging;
  • putting our theme higher on political agendas via advocacy and dialogue;
  • stimulating synergies between interested actors

We welcome all interested organizations to join the network and work together. Click here to read how to join. Don’t hesitate to contact us. See you soon?

If you search more information on social-ecological resilience, you can find more information here.

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Latest news

  • SECORES at the ATBC conference in Kigali, July 2024
    SECORES presented insights and links with actual work in the field during the international conference on “Achieving Inclusive Science for Effective Conservation, Adaptation, and Resilience in the Tropics” of the Association of Tropical Biological Conservation.
  • SECORES follow-up workshop in Burundi, March 2024
    This follow-up workshop focused on assessing social-ecological resilience and the application of the SEPLS tool in Burundi; on how participants experience the question ‘resilience for whom?’; and on which synergy actions can be foreseen on marshes.
  • SECORES workshop in Rwanda, February-March 2024
    A two-day workshop was organized in Kigali on demand of the JSF Rwanda with presentations and exchanges on the concepts, application and how to assess social-ecological resilience; and on its link to biodiversity, One Health and agroecology.

More news

Join us

SECORES is a network offering a platform for exchange, learning and joint action to all interested Belgian actors of international cooperation and their partner organizations. Do you want to participate in activities, working groups etc., don’t hesitate and contact us.

Joining means that you subscribe the fundamentals and internal rules of SECORES.

Do you want to contact our network? Please fill in the contact form. We will answer you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest in social-ecological resilience!

Members who joined the network

Steering Committee

BOS+ is an organisation dedicated to forest conservation, better forest and more forest in Flanders and the world. BOS+ drives actions around sustainable local development by working for the conservation, sustainable management and expansion of forests, here and in the tropics. BOS+ contributes to a growing awareness of the importance of forests and trees for a liveable world for people, plants and animals. To this end, BOS+ actively cooperates with partner organisations.


CEBioS – ‘Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development’ – is a programme financed by the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and housed at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (operational directorate ‘Natural Environment’). CEBioS assists partner countries of the Belgian Development Cooperation to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as well as other international agreements related to the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity.


Join For Water (previously known as Protos) guarantees water for people and nature alike, today and tomorrow. They operate in 9 countries, with various different partners. Together they are focused on climate action for a balanced water cycle and preserving the environment to protect our water supplies. Join For Water improves access to, as well as the management of, drinking water and sanitation, and make water available for food production. They also strive for conscious use of water.

For more information: https://joinforwater.ngo/en/

Uni4Coop is the collaboration between four French-speaking university NGOs working together to build a fairer world. Eclosio (NGO from the University of Liège), FUCID (NGO from the University of Namur), Louvain Coopération (NGO from the University of Louvain-La-Neuve) and ULB-Coopération (NGO from the Free University of Brussels) cooperate in order to implement multiple projects, in the North as in the South. This groundbreaking innovative project is called Uni4Coop.


VIA Don Bosco is a Belgian NGO supporting the right to quality education. For 50 years VIA DB has been supporting technical and vocational training centres in Africa and Latin America to enhance the quality of education and accompany disadvantaged young people into the labour market, who thus become active citizens of the world. At the same time, VIA DB creates links between Belgian and international schools and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


WWF is one of the largest and most respected independent international conservation organisations in the world. With 3 000 projects and six million supporters, WWF is present in more than 100 countries. WWF-Belgium, founded in 1966 as member of the global WWF network, is one of the most important conservation organisations in Belgium. WWF-Belgium participates in major national and international projects to protect nature and build a future where humans live in harmony with nature. 

https://wwf.be/fr (Belgium), https://www.wwf.eu/ (Europe) or https://wwf.panda.org/ (international)