On 21 February 2024, SECORES and the Joint Strategic Framework of Mali organized a reflexion and exchange workshop on social-ecological resilience in Bamako gathering 6 organizations from Mali, 5 from Belgium and the Belgian Embassy.
An introduction was given on SECORES, key concepts of social-ecological resilience, direct and indirect driving forces and how SECORES translated these concepts in its theory of change. Plenary exchanges followed on planetary boundaries; the difference between blue and green water; how to define resilience; the loss of biodiversity; approaches to land use change.
Two groups discussed good practices and challenges on rights, policies and governance; awareness, knowledge and capacities; access to, management and use of ecosystem services; and conservation and restoration of ecosystems.
At the end of the workshop, the participants defined some interesting follow-up themes on social-ecological resilience where synergies are possible: (a) irrigation water management; (b) the agroecological chain; and (c) land tenure security.