SECORES workshop on resilience in Senegal, October 2024

On 28 October 2024, a 2-hours information session on Social-Ecological Resilience was jointly organized by SECORES and the Joint Strategic Framework of Senegal. It took place in Mbour (Senegal) from 15 till 17 h. It was initially planned in Thiès as a continuation of the ACNGs Forum but it was decided by the latter to go to Mbour where many participants wanted to present their condolences to the family of a recently deceased colleague. The session was facilitated by Thierry De Coster from ULB-Cooperation/UNI4COOP and member of SECORES. The session counted a limited number participants, but very interested.

The presentation included:

  • Introduction of SECORES and the social-ecological resilience approach;
  • presentation of some tools to assess social-ecological resilience;
  • teaser on the foreseen SECORES call of proposal for short-term pilot synergy projects on social-ecological resilience;
  • presentation of the outcome on social-ecological resilience of mangroves of UNI4COOP.

Participants were very interested in the social-ecological resilience concept. They raised question about the future JSFs. There is also interest in the future call of proposal for synergy projects on social-ecological resilience and in the upcoming SECORES capitalisation document about lessons learnt on tools.