Educaid conference on climate and education

On 21 October 2022, SECORES participated int he Educaid conference on climate and education in Brussels. This international hybrid conference focused on the cross-impact of climate change and education. During two days (20-21/10/22), experts from all over the world – with different perspectives and backgrounds – shared inspiration and good practices about how education can be used as a critical agent in addressing the issue of climate change. During the conference, several avenues were explored for change, but the work is far from being over. This conference was only the beginning. More than ever, there is a need to support learners, teachers, school leaders, policy makers and all others involved in education to give children and youth the tools to know, act and have a voice in the fight against climate change.

SECORES presented the basic concepts of social-ecological resilience, how climate change and education fit in this concept and why it is important to have a holistic approach. A case study from Boliva, presented by Humberto Camacho, national coordinator of the Salesian Planning and Development Office OFPROBOL (partner of VIA Don Bosco), explained how to put this holistic framework into practice.

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