The Joint Strategic Framework (JSF) Uganda and SECORES (born from the thematic JSF ‘resilience’) organised a workshop on 17 June 2022 in Kampala for reflection and exchange on resilience of social-ecological systems. Because we all have experiences and lessons to share and challenges to overcome whether we are active in agriculture, livestock, water, forestry, environmental protection or related fields. This exchange was aimed to help identify priority actions and/or themes for further collaboration between both JSFs.
17 participants of 10 Belgian non-governmental actors and the Belgian Embassy exchanged – after a presentation on concepts – on how resilience is captured in their work and what could be done together.
Possible ways forward suggested are developing concrete case studies, review/collect appropriate tools to measure and monitor resilience, exchange events on specific topics (e.g., the link between agro-ecology and resilience) or creation of a database with enterprises, farmers or demonstration sites where is worked on social-ecological resilience and agro-ecology.