SECORES seminar on resilience in Brussels, December 2022
The seminar aimed at establishing a shared understanding of ‘social-ecological resilience’ and its importance to all actors. After a plenary session, participants presented the challenges, inspiring ideas and good practices in 4 working groups.
Educaid conference on climate and education
This conference focused on the cross-impact of climate change and education. SECORES presented the concept of social-ecological resilience, how climate change and education fit in it and why it is important to have a holistic approach.
SECORES workshop on resilience in Burundi, June 2022
Together with the Burundi JSF, SECORES organized a participatory workshop involving Burundian and Belgian actors. The concept and of social-ecological resilience was explained followed by exchange of good practices and challenges in working groups.
SECORES workshop on resilience in Uganda, June 2022
The JSF Uganda and SECORES organised a workshop in Kampala for reflection and exchange on resilience of social-ecological systems. Different possible ways forward were suggested as case studies, working on tools or exchange on specific topics.
Resilience and food systems, seminar Coalition Against Hunger, May 2022
The Belgian Coalition Against Hunger organized an exchange sustainable food systems and the link with several transversal themes. SECORES participated in the workshop on biodiversity explaining the holistic concept and the link with agriculture.